How to make an Appointment.
Booking an appointment.
You can book an appointment at the practice by calling us any time between 8am and 6.30pm.
You can see a GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Physiotherapist or a Mental Health practitioner. Booking appointments in person at reception is also possible.
GP's appointments are available up to a week in advance and you can nominate which doctor you would like to see depending on availability . You can also book on the day for the next available appointment with any GP.
Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) appointments are available daily. ANP's are highly qualified nurse practitioners who are able to deal with a wide variety of complex adult issues. They are able to refer to specialties, investigate, issue sick notes and prescribe.
Practice nurses appointments are also available daily for clinics such as diabetes, asthma, well baby clinic, travel clinic, wound care etc. They also deal with follow up contraception and adult minor illness.
Health Care Assistants are available daily for phlebotomy (blood tests) services in addition to doing ECG's and assist in clinic. There is a limited service for phlebotomy in the afternoon also however this is limited by the time of collection of samples for the day.
Pharmacists can be contacted at the practice and any medication issues or queries can be dealt with by them.
Physiotherapy, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service appointments are available also to be booked at reception without needing to see a GP/ANP first.
What to expect when you call us.
We have 16 active telephone lines at the surgery. These are operated by our Care Navigators, who you would also know as receptionists.
When you call for an appointment they will ask you to give a brief outline of what the issue is especially if you tell them that you have an emergency.
IMPORTANT: They have been instructed to do so by the Medical team at the surgery.
This is in order for us to identify which one of our services may best help you so you can see the correct person for your issue in the most timely manner. This also enables us to identify if there are any particular urgent or unwell patients that we may need to prioritise for that day.
If you do not wish to give any information then you can simply tell the Care Navigator that you wish to keep your details personal.
Home Visits.
We encourage patients to attend the surgery, where we have access to your medical notes, test results and the facilities to examine you. However this may not always be possible for individuals who are housebound and/or are too unwell o attend.
We ask that in the rare instance that you may need a home visit that you contact us before 11am that day.
Before the doctor decided if you need a visit at home they will call you to ask for more information and discuss what are the best options for you.
Out of Hours.
The services we offer are available from 8.00am to 6.30pm. Outside of these times if you need assistance you can contact the GP OOH service based in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
The service is contactable by calling 111.
However, If you have a Medical emergency then call 999 for emergency services.